Aen Elle Slave Trader
Elf, Wild Hunt
Deploy: Gain Vitality equal to the total duration of Frost on your opponent's side of the battlefield and Infuse an enemy unit with "At the end of your turn, if there's an enemy Aen Elle Slave Trader with higher power than your own, set own power to 1, then Lock self".
Deploy: Trigger this ability when played.
Vitality: Status that boosts this unit by 1 on its turn end. Note: Vitality turns can accumulate; 1 turn of Vitality cancels out 1 turn of Bleeding.
Frost: At the start of the owner's turn, damage the highest power unit in this row by 2.
Infused: Status that adds effects or categories to a card. Removing the status also removes all added effects and categories. Lock disables Infused abilities.
Lock: Status that disables a unit's abilities.
Why, we treat our stock with the utmost dignity of course, by providing them with every opportunity to serve the greatest of the Aen Elle.
Illustration by: Angelina Lisovskaya