Choose a mutagen:
Red - Damage an enemy unit by 4.
Blue - Poison an allied unit and gain 5 Coins.
Green - Boost an allied unit by 4 and give it Veil.
If you control at least 2 Salamandra units, also choose an additional mutagen.
Damage an enemy unit by 4.
Poison an allied unit and gain 5 Coins.
Boost an allied unit by 4 and give it Veil.
Poison: Status - if a unit receives two instances of Poison, destroy it.
Coin: The Novigradian underworld's currency of choice for paying Fees and Tributes. You may possess a maximum of 9 Coins. Your Coin-count is reduced by half (rounded down) when carried over into the next round.
Veil: Status that prevents unit from gaining other statuses.
Like organ harvesting—but far more lucrative.