Madam Marquise Serenity
Human, Blindeyes
Profit 4.
Deploy (Melee): Summon a Sly Seductress from your deck to this row.
Deploy (Ranged): Summon Passiflora Peaches from your deck to this row.
Tribute 8: Summon both instead.
Whenever your opponent plays a card, gain 1 Coin.
Human, Agent, Blindeyes
Fee 3: Gain a Shield.
Whenever your opponent plays a unit, boost self by 1.
Bonded: Whenever your opponent plays a card, boost self by 1.
Human, Blindeyes
Hoard 4: At the end of your turn, boost self by 1.
Profit: Gain a specified number of Coins when this card is played. You may possess a maximum of 9 Coins.
Deploy: Trigger this ability when played.
Melee: This ability can only be used while on the melee row.
Summon: Move automatically to the battlefield (not considered played).
Ranged: This ability can only be used while on the ranged row.
Tribute: On Deploy, you may choose to spend the specified amount of Coins to trigger this ability.
Coin: The Novigradian underworld's currency of choice for paying Fees and Tributes. You may possess a maximum of 9 Coins. Your Coin-count is reduced by half (rounded down) when carried over into the next round.
If you're looking for something different, perhaps a round of Gwent?
Illustration by: Renata Mrowińska