Deploy: Spawn an Elven Deadeye, Rowdy Dwarf, or Young Dryad on this row.
Gain an Order ability based on the unit you Spawned:
Elven Deadeye - Order: Spawn and play Waylay.
Rowdy Dwarf - Order: Spawn and play Tempering.
Young Dryad - Order: Spawn and play Dryad's Caress.
Damage an enemy unit by 3 and Spawn an Elven Deadeye on a random allied row
Purify an allied unit and boost it by 3. If you control a Dryad, also give it Vitality (3).
Boost an allied unit by 5. If it's a Dwarf, also give it 2 Armor.
Deploy: Trigger this ability when played.
Spawn: Add a card to the game.
Order: An ability triggered manually by the player. Cards with Order cannot be used for 1 turn after being placed on the battlefield.
I care not for kings and their titles. In the east lives one who truly deserves a crown.