Deploy (Melee): Give an enemy unit Bleeding (4).
Deploy (Ranged): Spawn a base copy of self on this row.
Devotion: Combine both abilities instead.
Deploy (Melee): Give an enemy unit Bleeding (4).
Deploy (Ranged): Spawn a base copy of self on this row.
Devotion: Combine both abilities instead.
Deploy: Trigger this ability when played.
Melee: This ability can only be used while on the melee row.
Bleeding: Status that damages the unit by 1 at the end of its turn. Note: Bleeding turns can accumulate, 1 turn of Bleeding cancels out 1 turn of Vitality. Bleeding ignores armor.
Ranged: This ability can only be used while on the ranged row.
Spawn: Add a card to the game.
Devotion: Trigger this ability if your starting deck has no neutral cards.
They especially like to chew on fingers, which to them are just like juicy carrots.
Illustration by: Bogdan Rezunenko