Naiad Fledgling
Dryad, Naiad
Whenever your Symbiosis is triggered, give the unit to the left Vitality (2).
Order: Remove all Vitality from an allied unit, then boost self by the same amount.
Symbiosis: Whenever you play a Nature card, Spawn a Wandering Treant on a random allied row and set its power equal to number of Symbioses you control.
Vitality: Status that boosts this unit by 1 on its turn end. Note: Vitality turns can accumulate; 1 turn of Vitality cancels out 1 turn of Bleeding.
Order: An ability triggered manually by the player. Cards with Order cannot be used for 1 turn after being placed on the battlefield.
There's more to life than frolicking about naked in ponds. No one has a convincing answer as to what, however.
Illustration by: Angelina Lisovskaya