Eternal Eclipse Initiate
Human, Cultist
Order: Infuse a bronze enemy unit with "Whenever your opponent plays a Cultist, damage self by 1. Deathwish: Spawn a base copy of self on the opposite row, Infuse it with the Cultist category, then set its power to the number of Cultists your opponent controls".
Order: An ability triggered manually by the player. Cards with Order cannot be used for 1 turn after being placed on the battlefield.
Infused: Status that adds effects or categories to a card. Removing the status also removes all added effects and categories. Lock disables Infused abilities.
Deathwish: Trigger this ability when destroyed and moved from the battlefield to the graveyard. Note: Banished units are not sent to the graveyard.
Spawn: Add a card to the game.
The air of mystery, the promise of power - enough to obtain a whole set of pawns for your chessboard.
Illustration by: Karol Bem